Big news on the cat front today, as our Maine Cat Lab channel finally crossed the 1,000 follower mark on TikTok. This means we can finally post a link to our website on our About page for TikTok. Why is that a big deal? Because it means we can easily run some more cat studies. (I mean, what’s the point in having a cat study unless it enables you to have even more of them? Kind of like cats, it seems . . .)
(For those of you who missed it, a colleague/friend and I have been working on a study of the personality of cats. Why? Because they are there. Just wait until the book comes out.)
When we did our first study, we were limited by the constraints of social media. Yes, we could get the word out on Facebook, but unless you’re willing to pay real money, Facebook has a tendency to start to throttle how many people see your posts. TikTok is more liberal with all of that, but all we could do over there was tell people to go to a certain link, as opposed to just giving them the link. (Kind of like the difference between telling your friends they really ought to see something, but not actually letting them see it, and just putting the thing in front of them.)
Now that we have 1,000 followers and can post that link, we both have a built-in audience to help get the word out, and we have a much easier way of making sure that word is heard. (Hey–that might not make sense to you, but it definitely makes sense to me, and that’s what really matters, right?)
Of course, it’s one thing to be able to post a link, and quite another thing to have a link to post . . . I mean, we can link to our website, but we don’t as of yet have a website to link to.
These are first world problems, people.
It’s a good thing I’ve got a bit of web design experience. I don’t think we’re going to shoot for the moon in terms of what we’ve got there at first. I’d like to start with something reasonable and then work our way up from there. The essentials I can picture are a place to post surveys and results, post videos from YouTube, tell who we are and what we’re doing, and . . . that’s about it.
Baby steps, but I’m really pleased to have hit this milestone. Our YouTube channel is up to 66 subscribers, so . . . still a ways to go there. But success breeds success.
Kind of like . . . cats?
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