Author Bio and a Pic

Ordinary Genius: The Story of Albert Einstein (Trailblazer Biographies)You’d think a short paragraph about yourself would be pretty easy to write, wouldn’t you? My agent called today and asked for a brief bio and picture of me that he could include in some promotional material they’re working on for their authors. I said I could get that for him, and sat down to write it on lunch break.

It’s a lot harder than I thought it would be, mainly because I’m not used to writing about myself in the third person. No matter what I wrote, I couldn’t help thinking I sounded like a total pompous idiot. That said, I managed to string something together, and I don’t suppose it’s too terrible. Want to see what I came up with? Here you go:

Until Bryce Moore first asked a Slovak girl out for a date, his exposure to Slovak culture was limited to Steve Martin routines on Saturday Night Live. When he first visited Trenčín, Slovakia (arm in arm with his native wife), he wondered how he’d been missing it all these years. He’s been married for ten years now and visits the country as often as he can. He currently works as a librarian in Western Maine and lives in a 170 year old farm house. This is his first novel.

Tonight I need to get home and sift through all the pictures I have of me in front of Trenčín castle to see if there’s something not too embarrassing that I can use as an author pic. Of course, a lot of the ones I took have me dressed up in medieval garb, along the lines of this:
And do I really want to appear in promo materials like that? You tell me . . . In any case, this is all definitely making this whole Book Getting Published thing feel even more concrete and real, which is a good thing.
And don’t forget to enter my blog March Madness challenge!

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