Do you live in or near Boston? Want to come by and see me speak or get a book signed? Well boy howdy do I have good news for you! I’m going to be in Boston on Saturday for the Boston Book Festival. First up is my presentation on “Not So Perfect Families,” which is going to be in Teen Central in the Boston Public Library at 11am. Right after that (at noon), I’ll be signing in the . . . signing area. (I’m not actually sure where that will be. I assume it’s going to be marked somewhere. Someone’s going to walk me over from my presentation to the signing spot.)
I’ve never been to the Boston Book Festival before, but I’m looking forward to checking it out. It helps me on multiple levels. There’s the obvious one (I’m an author attending the event and trying to get more people to know about my books), but then there’s also the library one, where I get to see how other places are handling library-adjacent events. When I went to the Louisiana Festival of the Book a couple of years ago, that was very helpful and enlightening. (I’d love to do something similar here in Maine, but there have been a number of other time-intensive state efforts under way that have made that difficult for now.)
Ironically, I’ll have now been an invited guest to book festivals in Louisiana and Massachusetts, but I will not be a guest up in Bangor in December. I decided to throw my hat in the ring because I wanted to support local endeavors, but then I was turned down as an applicant, apparently because I don’t live close enough to Bangor(?) Just goes to show that different book festivals are focused on different things.
In any case, I’m looking forward to the trip. I’ll be heading down on Friday and coming back Saturday afternoon. If you’re in the area and would like to swing by to say hi, I’d love to see you.