Bryce vs. BryceGPT Round 2: Website Renovation

Hey everyone! Welcome back to the blog. This is the second post that might or might not have been written by AI. Can you tell the difference this time? I challenge you to find out.

So, here’s the scoop: I’ve had to update the website. The blog was displaying weirdly in some browsers, making it look like I’d been hacked by a group of disgruntled techies. I think I’ve sorted most of it out, but if you still see any issues, please let me know.

I’ve also given the homepage and bio a much-needed makeover. You might want to check those out when you have a moment. They’re looking pretty snazzy if I do say so myself.

Just a heads-up, I’ll be away at a two-day library meeting, so I probably won’t have a chance to post tomorrow. If you’re wondering, these meetings are less about secret book conspiracies and more about library management and planning, which is almost as exciting.

Apologies for the short post today. To make it up to you, let me remind you about the time I fought a bat in my house. It was a late night when Denisa and I were heading to bed. I spotted a flicker of movement on our enclosed front porch. Sure enough, a bat had found its way in there, flying around like it owned the place.

We considered a few options: let it be, call an exterminator, wait for it to tire out, or get it out right then and there. We went with the last option because I’m the pater familias, and this sort of duty comes with the job. Armed with a broom, a hat, and gloves, I entered the porch ready for battle.

The bat, no bigger than a small rodent with wings, was darting around like a disease-ridden pinball. I kept my cool, managed to open the window, remove the screen, and quickly shut the door behind me. But the bat, apparently lacking the amazing sonar skills bats are famous for, couldn’t find its way out. It flew in circles until it got tired and hid again.

I went in a second time, broom in hand, and began an archaeological dig through the clutter. Eventually, I found it huddled under my briefcase. I captured it using a sour cream container and a piece of cardboard. The bat screeched and fluttered, but I took it outside and released it into the night. It stayed for a minute, then flew off into the darkness.

So there you have it, my heroic bat encounter. Did I scream? No. Did I feel brave? Absolutely. Did Denisa shower me with praise? Not quite, but I did earn a “Get Out of Jail Free” card for future chores.

Before you go, remember to cast your vote: was this post written by AI or by me? Let the guessing game begin!

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