video games

Wii Aches and WALL-E

I did a stupid thing Saturday. Not that that’s irregular for me, but I’m still paying for that stupid thing today. I played Wii Fit and got carried away. My stomach muscles are still mad at me, poor things. They’re used to eating, not doing crunches. Well, that’s just too bad. They’re going to have […]

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Wii Fit

I have one now. Does that make mii fit? (Sorry–couldn’t resist.) Time will tell. So far I really like it, and it’s the first video game I’ve ever had that actually seems to serve a useful purpose beside developing hand eye coordination. Better yet, my wife really liked it, too–which is a huge plus. If

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Mythos Beta

Any of you people out there like Diablo 2? Well, I have a deal for two of you today. There’s a new Diablo-esque game being developed called Mythos. It’s done by the same group that made Diablo 2, although they’ve now changed companies. It’s in beta right now, and while the game is by no

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