Some days you’re firing on all cylinders, the king of your schedule, and other days, you wonder how in the world you’re ever going to get everything done. (And where did all those items on your To Do list come from in the first place?)
Today is one of those crazy busy days.
On the good news front, I finally took my car in to get repaired from the deer incident over a month ago. (I still had the hunk of deer fur wedged into the fender, because if I have to drive around with a broken headlight for a month, I at least want a public warning posted for any deer that are considering another attack on my vehicle.) It’s been a minor irritant, having to remember to drive Denisa’s car at night, since mine had a tendency to get me pulled over . . .
What else is happening in my life? Adulting. A whole bucketload of adulting. I don’t know when it happened that I suddenly was expected to be the responsible person in the room most of the time, but it seems like the other day I woke up, and everyone else had nominated me and voted me into that position.
So my apologies for having nothing scintillating for you today. I’m barely keeping my nose above water. (Note how late this is finally getting posted. I’d planned to write on my lunch break, but my lunch break ended up having other plans.) As an apology of sorts, I present to you a clip of one of my favorite movies. Ferris Bueller. Because today was very much a day I wish I could have called in sick. Not because of anything terrible going on. Just because I’d rather be out having fun on a gorgeous day.
Happy Monday, everyone!
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