Diet Update: Week Thirteen

Another week in the record books. I’ve been doing this diet for something like 90 days now. That’s a lot of days. No wonder I’m sick of it. (I particularly miss baking, which is usually a quick and easy way for me to do something with my hands and feel creative for an hour or so. Hard to do that and stick to my diet, though, so I’ve refrained for the most part.)

More free meals at the cafeteria this week, but the good news is that those days are gone. School’s out for summer, and the cafeteria is closed. 🙂 I should be settling back into some regular eating habits, which will help the diet tremendously.

Exercise hasn’t been quite as consistent–at least not in an “this is really exercise and hard work” sort of vein. I’ve stacked some wood, done some yard work, and gone fishing with TRC multiple times. The good news is that I’m doing a much better job of doing something physical each day. It’s just not necessarily helping me lose weight. Then again, I’m not exercising to lose weight. I’m losing weight and exercising so that I feel better and get sick less often. And in that respect, things are going great. I have yet to get really sick for days at a time since I’ve started this program. Yay for that.

And now, to numbers. I’m ecstatic to announce I’m 193.8 pounds this morning. That might seem like a random number to you all, but it’s of great significance to me. It’s the very border of “Normal” on the BMI scale. That’s right, folks. As of this morning, I’m officially normal again. No longer overweight. 24.9.

This means the diet has transitioned from a “don’t be overweight” goal to one of “be more firmly planted in the ‘normal’ category goal.” A subtle shift, perhaps, but one with meaning to me. From here on out, the main goal is to not get back into that overweight category. My ultimate goal is 178 pounds–so that I can have plenty of buffer room. I’d like to settle in at 185. So there’s still a ways to go, but I’m definitely making progress.

Yay for that.

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