I’m off to Washington DC on Sunday. Heading down as the Maine Library Association’s representative for National Library Legislative Day. What does that mean? It means on Monday I’ll be learning all about the different issues the American Library Association is pushing this year, and then on Tuesday, I’ll be meeting with Maine’s senators and representatives to go over those issues. Senator Collins, Senator King, Representative Poliquin, and Representative Pingree. (Sometimes the actual senators/representatives can’t make the meeting, and we talk with their staff instead. I’ll keep you posted.)
It won’t just be me. (That would be . . . quite intimidating for me. Yikes.) I’m with a group of librarians from Maine who are all much better spoken than I am. (As a side note, do you ever step back and wonder why in the world anyone listens to your opinion? I mean, when did I get to the point that I’m flying down to DC to meet with politicians? For the love of all that’s good in this world. where are the adults? You know. The people in charge. Life was much simpler when I could just be a kid and assume big stuff was getting done, and stay focused on what was really important: video games, television, and books. Come to think of it, I still stay pretty focused on that holy trinity . . .)
For a guy who dislikes planes, I’m going to be on an awful lot of them over the next two months. I’ve got two trips to DC, a trip to Utah, and a trip to Chicago followed by Utah, all between now and the beginning of July. Meanwhile, I need to get my draft of MEMORY THIEF 2 finished as soon as I can. I’m almost through with reading the first draft, and I see so many things that need to be fixed. It’s a little daunting.
Good thing I can just worry about little things like meeting with senators over the next few days.
Wish me luck! I’ll keep you posted on the details.