It’s that time of year. The time when I start really kicking things into gear for the holidays. I take time off from work, so you’d think I’d have tons of time for everything else I need or want to do, but . . . that’s not how it ends up, a lot of the time.
Some of this is self-inflicted. Our family does homemade presents each year, where we each get a different family member, and we make something for them from scratch, more or less. The point is to spend real time on that person, and not just spend money. It’s the thought that counts, literally. I am well-known for going above and beyond in this area. Teaching myself how to do things I’ve never done before, like hand-sew teddy bears or make hardbound books. On the one hand, that’s admittedly a bit bonkers. On the other hand, I really enjoy it, so tough. But it does mean that I have what turns out to be a part time extra job in December.
The other problem I have (which is another admitted me-problem) is how hyper-scheduled I make my life. I am a creature of habit with definite OCD tendencies. I do the same things every. single. day. I check the same websites. I read the same blogs. I wear the same clothes. I eat the same food. I do the same things at the same time. I develop little routines for everything, and it’s very difficult for me to not do those things on a particular day. Like, if I don’t do them, then I get very unsettled.
Yes, I realize this is an issue and very likely a bit of a mental problem. At the same time, it’s the thing that lets me get so many different things done and stay on top of so many different projects, so it’s not necessarily a problem I really want to solve, if that makes sense. It’s part of who I am, and I make a concerted effort not to let it get too out of hand. Just because it’s difficult for me to stop doing a routine doesn’t mean I never do. When things get too crazy, I take a look at what I’m doing, and I start to toss things off the To Do list. It typically works.
But it also means that at the holidays, when I add so many different things, I have to toss more than usual. The blog is one of those things this year, alas. I really want to feel like I have time to spend with the family now that Tomas is home, but I typically feel very unfinished if I haven’t blogged on a weekday. So this year, I’m going to try to give myself permission for the rest of the year to . . . not. Unless something comes up that I can’t shut up about, I’m going to NOT blog until January.
Sorry, folks. Hopefully after a few days, I’ll get over that “I really ought to be doing it” stage, but publicly stating it usually goes a long way toward helping with that.
I hope you all have a lovely rest of the month, and I’ll catch you on the other side.