Hey there! It feels like forever since I last posted, but I’m really glad that I took a breather from the blog over vacation. It’s hard to feel like I’m really taking a break if I start each day with a pre-built To Do list. Not that the blog takes a lot of time for me to write typically, but it’s One More Thing. and I wanted to be able to enjoy my time off without having to worry about deadlines and topics.
But as with all vacations, they come to an end, and you’re left looking back at all that time off you had, wondering why it felt too short in the end. (Then again, I told Denisa last night, “I don’t really want to go back to work tomorrow, but at the same time, I have no idea what I’d do with myself if I didn’t.” True story.)
What did I do in the past few weeks?
Spent time with the family. Went skiing. Watched movies. Opened presents. Decluttered my house like a madman. Read books. Played with toys. Went to parties. Ate too much. Set up my budget for 2016. Wrote.
It’s been busy, but a fair bit of fun was had by all, and I enter this new year feeling on top of things (for the most part). It’s a good feeling to have.
I don’t know if I’ll blog about everything I did while I was on hiatus. I might. Who knows? These topics don’t just fall out of trees each day, so I’m hoping I’ll be able to use a fair number of things as prompts for things to write about in the coming week or two.
In any case, I’m back. I’ve missed you all terribly, and it’s nice to get my fingers working again. I hope your last few weeks were similarly pleasant. Judging from my Facebook and Twitter feeds, that seems likely.
The 2016 work year is here. Challenge accepted!
(And word on the street is there was a new Downton last night. My plan is to watch it this evening and be here tomorrow with my response. Here’s hoping it’s a fantastic final season, with no padding and no “special episodes” all about beating up Anna and Bates . . .)