Okay, folks. I’m working on finally setting up an online store where people can buy signed copies of my books directly from me. As I’m doing it, I have to decide all sorts of details like . . . how much to charge for shipping. You’d think this would be relatively easy, but I’ve been postponing the decision for weeks. Every time I decide I’m going to figure it out, I come up with something to do instead. I think the big problem is I’m worried I’m going to charge too much or too little.
If you were buying a book online, how much would you expect to pay for shipping? Would you want a whole slew of options on how long it would take for the book to arrive?
I have to account not just for the cost of mailing the book, but also the materials and time involved.
The good news is that I can outsource some of these questions to AI, because why not. The bad news is that I don’t know enough about the topic to know for sure if AI is telling me good things or not, so I thought I’d crowd source this to you all for some extra input.
Anyone out there have any experience with setting shipping costs? What materials to use to ship? How much to charge for handling? I’m open to any and all suggestions.