Not a ton happened this week honestly, we’ve been kinda sick so a lot of inside work. I’ll see what I can say though!
First off, we made it onto the radio! The video is on the Google photos, it’s 5 minutes long and we caught most of it. That was pretty cool to hear, hopefully you guys enjoy listening to that too. It was a quick few questions about Christmas as a foreigner in žilina, and then what our favorite Christmas song was. There was a possibility they wouldn’t use all the recording but they did end up using everything so that was great!
Besides that, we had some people moving around at midtransfers so they could get home in time for school. Now there are just two of us here in žilina, me and Elder Noftle. Elder frost has gone home. There was a lot of train craziness trying to get everyone to their new areas which was exciting but also kinda too bad because so many people are leaving.
New years was good though! We bought some sparkling cider or whatever that was minion themed and the cap popped off as soon as we opened it basically. People went kinda crazy for fireworks here and we had a lot of stuff going on right next to our apartment which made for an interesting night. Also I have a guitar now since elder frost left his, hopefully I can pick it up. I’ll be passing it on before I leave too, it’s been in the mission for a while.
Finally, I have some really great pictures from a brief hike we did with some other elders here temporarily while they waited for their train. We found some lookout tower, then bushwhacked to cut a half hour off the hike. It was really foggy that day but once we got above it the valley was full of the fog and looked super cool. I’m excited to see how my film camera pictures turned out.
As usual, here is the photos link:
I made it so that the newest ones are at the top now so that should fix the album looking the same every time.
Okay, I think that’s about it. I’ll see you all next week and hopefully I have some more to tell you.
Love you all,
Starší Cundick
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PublishDecember 27, 2022 10:03 am
URLbrycemoore.com/blog/tomas-update-week-5-in-zilina/Stick to the top of the blogAUTHORBryce MoorednoshenyPhil HiltonMove to trash
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