Here’s the deal, folks. Before VODNIK came out, I was only given a single Advance Reader Copy (ARC). I kept that one for myself, because come on. It was my only one. With THE MEMORY THIEF, however, I’ve been given ten (count them: t-e-n) ARCs.

I find myself with an abundance of riches, and I don’t know what to do with all of them. I’m going to keep one for myself again, but the other nine? I’d like to use those as effectively as I can to promote the book. But I don’t know the best way to do that.

This is where you come in. Please chime in with thoughts and suggestions for ways I could use the ARCs best. I will pick the suggestion I like the most and send that person an ARC of their very own. The book doesn’t come out until September, so you’d have it almost a half year early.

Think  of how jealous your friends and relations will be.

Sound like a deal? Comment here, on Facebook, or email me directly. Get the suggestions in soon, though.

2 thoughts on “Win a Copy of THE MEMORY THIEF”

  1. Hmmm… Well, a lot of authors do these rafflecopter giveaways where you get additional entries for tweeting, posting on facebook, etc. But maybe it could be fun to give ARCs to people who wrote reviews of Vodnik? Then, maybe, that indicates they’re likely to review the Memory Thief as well?

  2. While we can wait, Hilary’s blog traffic and income has tripled from this same time last year. My point…our review would get at least 3x the viewership that our review of Vodnik did. Regardless, we can’t wait to see what this story is all about and share it as a family.
    Glad to see you are receiving an increase of abundance.

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