I knew it had been too long since I’d had a real travel nightmare. The Travel Gods must be appeased, and nothing you can do can save you. Today it’s my turn to offer up the sacrifice, apparently.
It was supposed to be a quick trip to Orlando. Leave Portland at 11:50, get to Orlando at 4:50, with a quick layover in Baltimore. But then the fight got delayed 55 minutes when I arrived at the airport. (Early, because I try to stick it to the Travel Gods whenever I can, and I always anticipate them trying to foil my well laid plans.)
I should have known better. Should have anticipated a canceled flight right then, and had Southwest on speed dial for as soon as they canceled. But I didn’t.
Sure enough, the flight was canceled. Thunderstorms in Baltimore. There was a mad dash for the counter, but I know my airport fu well enough to know that if I wasn’t the first or second person there, I’d be better served calling Southwest directly, which is what I did.
I managed to get on the 5:45 to Baltimore, then the 8:45 to Orlando, scheduled to get into Orlando at 11pm. I thought I was okay, but then I discovered the 5:45 has been delayed 2 hours at the moment, which would make me miss my connection.
Yeah. One of those days.
At the moment I’m scheduled on standby for a 3:15. First in line for that, and hopeful (but not holding my breath). Maybe this will all work out. Two friends were on the same flight. One is scheduled now to leave tomorrow morning out of Manchester, 2 hours away. The other is now on a flight tomorrow night. So I guess it could be worse?
What am I saying? Of course it could. And probably will. Stay tuned to Facebook to see any updates. Wish me luck!
(And if you’re in Portland for the next few hours, swing on by and say hi! I’ve been here since 9am already.)