

Seriously. I might have to start reconsidering my post-free-weekend policy, because I just keep coming up with things that I want to post about. So let’s get straight to business. First of all, writing update: meh. This book isn’t working “as is,” and I need to come up with some ways to make it work. […]

Postapalooza Read More »


Budgets are no fun. But I’ve decided they are necessary, unless one of you readers wants to give me $10,000 a year. In return, I shall dedicate every book I publish to you. It’ll be kind of like the patron system from way back when, and we all know how well that worked. In other

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What a Pain

Today I discovered the joys of mortgages. Sigh. Why do I have the feeling this is the start of a very long relationship that I will never really appreciate? After sludging through all the legalese and the details, I signed the papers and sent them back to Maine. I also spent time looking into insurance

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