September felt like a long month this time through. In fact, I’m not convinced the government didn’t sneak a few extra days in there somewhere, just to spite me. In any case, I’m fairly on the tired side at the moment. Four trips to Bangor in a week will do that to a guy. (Please ignore the fact that I used to commute 2 hours one way each day to go work in New York City. I was young. Seriously. I think about that now and just shake my head.)
In any case, the exact thing I could really use is an entire weekend just sitting around relaxing. And by golly, wouldn’t you know it? It’s General Conference weekend. For you non-Mormons out there, that means a weekend filled with 10 hours of church leaders giving talks that are beamed across the world online. You might think that sounds fairly on the boring side. 10 hours of talks? You might wonder if they’re on something really enthralling or unique. They’re not. Not unless you find talks about how to have more faith or love or charity enthralling. 10 hours of TEDtalks this ain’t.
And yet I look forward to it, and it happens twice a year. Why in the world do I look forward to it?
For one thing, the way we approach it in my family (other Mormons might do it differently, ranging from “Woot! No church at all!” to “Get dressed up and go watch every session at the church building) is that it’s a weekend we do nothing else. We hang out at home, watching conference. Sometimes I do some quiet chores while I watch: organize paperwork or declutter a bookshelf. Sometimes I’ll do something with my hands. But whatever I’m doing, it’s quiet. Peaceful. The kids are quiet. The house is quiet.
I have been known to take a few extended naps in the middle of all that quiet. (Hey–they publish the talks after the fact, okay?) I’ll often bake up something yummy, or Denisa will, or both of us will. We’ll play some games as a family here or there throughout the weekend. I inevitably emerge from the weekend feeling better than I began it, with an important new perspective about what’s important in my life.
It’s two days of God-approved rest time. Nothing in it’s secret or hush hush–feel free to nap watch along with me this weekend. Sessions on Saturday are from 12-2, 4-6, and then 8-10. Sunday has them from 12-2 and 4-6. (All times EDT)
Either which way, I’ll catch you all on Monday. I’m looking forward to some peace and quiet.