Someone asked me the other day how old my daughter was. I waffled between answering 4 and 5–I knew she had a birthday coming up, and so I wanted to say she was four going on five, but was there a chance she was three going on four? I couldn’t remember.
Then I did the math.
She turned six yesterday. Six. How in the world has that happened?
DC loves celebrating things–each week she rattles off the upcoming events and opportunities to party. Birthdays, holidays (Valentime’s Day is a favorite–that’s how she pronounces it), parties at school. You name it, and she’s looking forward to it. So having her own birthday to look forward to has been particularly exciting. Denisa got streamers put up and made her a big cake, and I struggled mightily to figure out what in the world she’s like for presents. I even had a long discussion with her on the topic. Her response? “Hmm . . . That’s a good question. I already got everything I wanted for Christmas, so I don’t know.” (I’m either raising a girl who has very frugal wants, or I’m a sucker and I give her every little thing she asks for. In this case I think it’s the former.)
I finally broke down and took a trip to Marden’s to see if inspiration struck. I emerged with some craft books, paint by number sets, and a lap desk. I wrapped them for her yesterday, feeling pretty sheepish about the whole thing. They just didn’t scream “GREAT BIRTHDAY PRESENTS” to me, but I knew she’d like them. With TRC, I have a much easier time shopping. I know what he’d like. And so I worried that DC would look at her haul and be disappointed.
She opened them all and seemed really excited. Was she just being nice? I guess not. Later that evening in private, she told Denisa, “Why is it that I always get the really cool presents and TRC gets the not so good ones?”
So I’m calling that a win.
Either which way, we had a great time last night, and she’s having friends over today for a small play date. The girl’s a joy to have in the family–conscientious and caring, free spirited and fun. Happy birthday, DC–please stop getting older so quickly!