cat personality

Orangey the Cat

Lest you mistakenly believe that my cat personality days are over, I’m here today with a new video to show you that’s not the case. I’ve just been busy doing other things, which derailed my efforts to get this video done. Ideally, we’d like to be doing about a video a week, all cat and […]

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Catroverts United!

Yes, my speedy descent into cat study madness is continuing. We’ve launched a YouTube channel just for our cat personality study: Catroverts United. Actually, we’ve done more than just that. Basically, I wanted a place where I could discuss the cat personality things without having it get cluttered in with all the rest of the

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The Latest Cat Personality Results!

REMINDER: If you haven’t taken the cat personality survey (and you have a cat, of course), please head on over hre to take it: A heartfelt thank you to everyone who’s participated in our study so far. We’ve been blown away by the sheer enthusiasm people have shown toward this study. Where often it’s

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Cat Personality Update

Well, that was fast! When Karol and I sat down to talk about our cat survey, we discussed how many data points we’d need for it to be valid and successful. We figured if we got 200, that was at least enough to build on, and we planned on going through the data starting at

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Studying Cat Personalities

And now for something completely different! Believe it or not, a professor and I are embarking on a new scientific study on the personality of cats. I’m glad today isn’t April Fools, because I assume almost all of you would think I wasn’t being serious, but I most definitely mean this. During the psychology of

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