current events

Pick Your Battles

So . . . Trump was sworn in on Monday, and I haven’t said a darn thing about it on the blog. Part of this is just due to exhaustion. I’m far from excited for what’s coming up, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the firehose of yuck coming out of DC. But some […]

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On Anti-Religious Sports Chanting

Yesterday evening, BYU played a basketball game against Providence College in Rhode Island. I’m assuming pretty much everyone knows BYU is run by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but Providence is also a religious institution. Right on their home page, they describe themselves as follows: “Since 1917, PC has taken pride in

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A New Daylight Savings Proposal

I’ve come up with plans to fix daylight savings before, but for some reason, none of them seemed to have moved the needle in terms of actually solving this crisis. Well, I’m not one to give up just because one idea doesn’t work, so I’ve been ruminating on other ways to get the problem solved,

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