
The Tooth is Out

Ugh. What an ordeal. I’ve blogged before about how I cracked my tooth and would need to have it extracted. That was back in March. When I made the appointment to have the tooth come out, they didn’t have time until July. Then they called back in early May to let me know that actually […]

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Braces Strike Back

Tomas got his braces off a few months ago. Not like anyone outside the family would know that, because we’ve all got masks on all the time when we’re out of the house. (Though maybe people can see it in Zoom?) But after years of orthodontic work, he was finally freed, and there was much

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Time for Implants

I realize there’s a fair chance a number of you read that and thought of a certain kind of implants, and wondered what in the world I was writing about today. Those aren’t the kind of implants we’ll be discussing today. Rather, I went to the dentist on Friday for my checkup, and I mentioned

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