
Screenplay: Finished

Just finished the screenplay version of Ichabod. The first draft, at any rate. It clocked in at 106 pages, and it’s by far the most unique thing I’ve done in a long time. I have no idea if it’s any good or not. With books, I have a lot of experience–not just writing them, but […]

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Adapting Yourself

So I’m about a third of the way through the Ichabod screenplay project now, and it’s teaching me quite a few things–the only trick is that I’m not entirely sure yet what those things are. Some things are obvious: my dialogue needs some work here and there to get it up to snuff. Thinking about

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Adapting Your Book to Screenplay

For those of you interested, I’m now working on a screenplay version of Ichabod. Not because I’m getting paid to or anything (I wish), but more because the option’s there, so why not explore it? I write everything on spec anyway, so this really makes no difference. Plus, it’s showing me a thing or two

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A Question to You

Say you had a friend who was a film maker. Say this friend read one of your books and wanted to work on getting it to the screen. You’ve shopped this book around a bit before, but it’s a really strange book, and it’s pretty hard to sum up in a query. So it’s been

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