
Did God Save Trump?

We interrupt our regularly scheduled Bryce vs. BryceGPT programming to bring you this article that’s definitely written by me. (Which actually brings up a point about blogging and AI in general: one of the reasons I like to blog is that by writing these posts, I think through issues and reach conclusions that are only […]

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Having Fun the Right Way

For a long time, I’ve had this feeling that I’m not always having fun the right way. I know that sounds strange, but hear me out, because I think a lot of people fall into the same category. Let’s start with the easiest one to talk about: reading. I’ve talked with plenty of people who

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The Illusion of Time

I was reminded yesterday yet again of just how bad I am at figuring out how long ago something happened. I was talking to a coworker who, in my mind, has been working with me perhaps half the time I’ve been at my job. In my head, they came on “a while” after I started,

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