
Budgets are no fun. But I’ve decided they are necessary, unless one of you readers wants to give me $10,000 a year. In return, I shall dedicate every book I publish to you. It’ll be kind of like the patron system from way back when, and we all know how well that worked. In other […]

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Drivers License

You know, I lived fairly close to Mexico for the past decade or so. (Close is a relative term), and there were even a few times I was just a few miles away from the border. But until this past week, I can honestly say I never went to Mexico. I can say that no

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Too Funny

For anyone out there who’s ever gotten a rejection letter, this is for you. In other news, not a whole lot to report. The rewrite of Ichabod is proceeding–bumpily at first, but more smoothly now. Work goes well–the current project of most importance is a website redesign, and I’m looking forward to that. Maine has

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To Build or Not to Build

That is the question. I have some book-earned money that needs spending (since I want to not pay as much in taxes). I need a new computer. So . . . should I buy one pre-built or make one on my own? I love it when I have such earth-shattering problems.

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Happy Birthday to Me

It’s not one of those “watershed birthdays” or anything. The big 3-0 won’t come until next year. But I’m a year older now, and a lot has happened to me in the past year. I got another Masters degree, found a job, bought a house, moved across the country, finished a final draft of one

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