
New Everything

Can I just express my frustration with the amount of STUFF you have to do when you move to another part of the country? Trash, mail, bank, tv, internet, phone, appliances, direct deposit, insurance . . . it can feel pretty overwhelming at times. Hopefully things will begin to settle down soon–I’ve been getting a […]

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Grrr . . .

I’m grumpy.  Why?  Because I’m sick of looking for jobs.  It’s now been two months that I’ve been looking, and I’ve applied to 28 jobs.  I’ve heard “no” from two of them, and I’ve had one phone interview for which the funding for the job dried up.  One of them I withdrew myself from after

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Can I just say I’m sitting at work, and it’s 93 degrees in here? The air conditioning broke in this wing of Orem Public Library, and I’m not amused. Sigh.

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I Hate Daylight Savings Time

It’s true. I was finally in a nice sleep pattern, and then everybody decides they want to change the clocks around, which seriously messes me up. I can’t get to sleep until 2 again, and I still have to wake up early, since I need to watch my son–who for some reason decided to cope

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