Coming August 2024​

A Family of Killers

From the author of The Perfect Place to Die and Don’t Go to Sleep comes another chilling horror that explores the eerie story of America’s first serial killer family.

A Word From The Author

Thanks for coming by my home page. Find out more about me and my books. I update the blog most weekdays and write about . . . pretty much everything under the sun. I know it’s probably not good for search engine optimization, but I’ve been doing it since 2007, so it’s hard to break the habit at this point.

Historical Thriller​

The Perfect Place to Die

“Fans of true-crime murder mysteries won’t want to miss this one.”—Booklist, STARRED Review

Stalking Jack the Ripper meets Devil in the White City in this terrifying historical fiction debut about one of the world’s most notorious serial killers.

It’s 1918, WW1 is in full swing, and a Spanish Influenza outbreak is on the horizon. In the midst of the chaos, families are being terrorized and people are being killed by a lone man with an axe. As Gianna and her friend Enzo investigate the heinous crimes, she realizes she’s connected to the killer in a way she could have never imagined..

My Latest Posts

Which was Bryce and Which was BryceGPT? Round Three Answers

Look at this! I finally have time to report back on the third round of my “who wrote it” contest. The last post was focused on Trump nicknames, and this time, I wrote one version, and I had BryceGPT write the other. Only a few people voted, because I guess people are scared of getting it wrong? But the final tally was 3 votes for the first post, and 1 vote for the second. I…

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The Place of the MAGA Movement in American History

I came across this article today, a detailed account of a man whose family were ardent Nazis. His father was a Gestapo head officer and personally committed documented war crimes. It’s a must read, as far as I’m concerned. We need to realize Nazis weren’t all Indiana Jones villains hell-bent on pure evil. If you had lived in Germany in the late 1930s, I’m not sure you’d see much difference between the political climate there…

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Did God Save Trump?

We interrupt our regularly scheduled Bryce vs. BryceGPT programming to bring you this article that’s definitely written by me. (Which actually brings up a point about blogging and AI in general: one of the reasons I like to blog is that by writing these posts, I think through issues and reach conclusions that are only tenuous up until the point I’ve actually written them. They’re a way for me to process information, and if I…

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Bryce vs. BryceGPT Round 3: Trump Nicknames

I debated how to handle my third matchup of me vs. BryceGPT. Since the last two were written by BryceGPT, I thought it likely people would begin to vote Bryce, just because I hadn’t written one yet. So to avoid that happening, I’m presenting you today with TWO different versions of the same post. (Ain’t I generous?) One of them is written by me. One is by BryceGPT. You get to vote which you think…

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Truth Revealed: Bryce vs. BryceGPT Round 2

Sorry about the lack of posts the last couple of days. Those all day library meetings can take it out of you. In any case, I’m back in the swing of things at work today, and my schedule should be a bit better(?) for posts in the next while. I’m sure you’ve all been waiting on the edge of your seat to discover who wrote my last post. This was a much closer vote. 5…

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Bryce vs. BryceGPT Round 2: Website Renovation

Hey everyone! Welcome back to the blog. This is the second post that might or might not have been written by AI. Can you tell the difference this time? I challenge you to find out. So, here’s the scoop: I’ve had to update the website. The blog was displaying weirdly in some browsers, making it look like I’d been hacked by a group of disgruntled techies. I think I’ve sorted most of it out, but…

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The Verdict is In: Bryce vs. BryceGPT Round 1

Okay, folks. The first round of the great AI show off is over, and 100% of people identified correctly that it was BryceGPT all the way. Interestingly enough, however, the reasons people gave for why it was wrong ended up being more the fault of Bryce than BryceGPT. The most common reason given was that the rankings were off. People didn’t believe that I’d put the fast food places in that order. They doubted that…

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Bryce or BryceGPT Day One: The Best Fast Food Restaurants

Alright, folks, I’m short on time today, but I’ve always wanted to get this list down on paper. So, without further ado, here are my top ten favorite fast food restaurants, counted down from 10 to 1. Buckle up for some snarky commentary! Worst Fast Food Chain: Arby’s Before we get to the best, let’s talk about the absolute worst: Arby’s. Bland meat, uninspiring menu, and a general vibe that says, “We’re here because we…

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BryceGPT and the Future of Personaright

Now that I’ve got a subscription to Chat GPT, I’m able to make my own tailored GPTs. If you haven’t heard of this before, it essentially boils down to creating a prompt that Chat GPT will use as the starting point again and again. So instead of having to tell the AI what role you want it to take on each time you talk to it, you can get that all ironed out ahead of…

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Television Review: Shogun

I’d heard a lot of good things about Shogun when it first started airing. Enough to make me sit up and pay attention, but not enough to get me to actually watch it. (Honestly, these days there are so many different things to watch, if I get something new, it typically has to wait in line.) Once the show was complete, I heard even better things, so it got bumped up on my priority list….

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