pawn of the dead

Writing Update

It’s been a while since I’ve updated ya’ll on how my writing is going, and I’m sure you’ve been waiting, wondering–dying to know. Well, wait no more. It’s going okay. I’ll be honest: I can’t seem to write as much these days as I could back before I had a full time job. That’s not […]

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Rquest for a Full Manuscript

I had other things to blog about today, but they just got superseded by another request for the full manuscript of Pawn of the Dead. Don’t really want to share more than that with you all at this point, and I realize it’s not a book deal or anything, but when you’re a WWA (Writer

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Writing Update

Not a whole lot of time today (too busy trying to dig out from the pile of Work Still to be Done), but I figured I’d give you all an update on what I’m working on right now, writing-wise. Over my vacation, I had the chance to have a long talk with an agent about

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Writing Update

I realized I haven’t given a good update on where I am writing wise in a while. Not too terribly much has changed, I’m afraid. I have yet to hear back on the screenplay for Ichabod, or on the copy of Pawn of the Dead that’s been at the agent’s for a while. (Four months

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