
A Realization: Older People Were Once Young

Yes, I know that seems like a no-brainer, but it’s hit me in various ways the past month. It all started when I was digitizing home movies (a process I’m getting quite good at now, might I add). As a kid, all grownups are, by definition OLD. Not just sort of old. They’re old old. As in, different. And I think as you get older yourself, you still classify those grownups (in your head at least) as old. Your parents. Your uncles and aunts. Their friends. All of them are grownups–while you yourself are still youthful and chipper. Well when […]

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Where Does Compassion End?

So here’s a question for you: when should you stop being compassionate? Maybe I should rephrase the question. I don’t mean to say when should you stop being compassionate, but rather, when should you stop acting on that feeling. Maybe a hypothetical situation will help me clarify. (Please note that I’m making this hypothetical up 100%–it’s not one of those “hypothetical” situations. It really is just to illustrate the point.) Say you have a friend, and your friend is a complete bonehead. He does all sorts of stupid things, regularly. He makes poor financial decisions, poor career choices, poor everything.

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When Do Geeks Become Cool?

I watched some of Revenge of the Nerds the other night. No, I’m not going to do a review of it. One and a half stars, if I’m feeling generous. I don’t recommend it. I only mention the film because it started me thinking on a topic. Nerds are portrayed as pure stereotypes in the movie–one dimensional four-eyed social outcasts who spend their time playing chess and building computers. Back in the 80s, these were the people who were picked on. (Or did it just seem like that to me because that’s what all school kids do to geeks and

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Depressing Things

Those of you who read my blog with any sort of frequency have no doubt noticed that I try to avoid Truly Depressing Things. I complain, grouse, whine, murmur, grumble, groan and bemoan various trivial things in my life, but for the most part, I try to keep things chipper around Bryce’s Ramblings. Today, I can’t really muster a whole lot of chipper out of myself. So if you want to stay sun-shiny and happy, I’d advise you to move along and not read the rest of this post. Still here? Well, don’t say I didn’t warn you. A family

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Contrary by Nature

I’ve been thinking a lot about myself lately (because hey, who wouldn’t want to think about me?), and I’ve come to a conclusion: I’m contrary by nature. What I mean by this is that I usually do better at something when people are telling me not to do whatever that is. Take English. My eighth grade English teacher didn’t want me to go into advanced English, because he said he didn’t think I’d cut it. I couldn’t write and analyze well enough. Thanks, Mr. Kosmo. I went on to get a Masters in American lit with a side emphasis in

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