So I came across an interesting site today: Alice. Basically, it’s supposed to work as a general tool to help people buy household goods from home, with free shipping. I’m looking into it right now–have no idea how much there prices are, or if it’s worth it, but the concept intrigues me, so I thought I’d pass it along to all of you. Check it out and tell me what you think. Oh–and if it asks for a referral code, you can use mine, too: 1390C8F
FYI–This is their sales pitch:
“Let’s face it; you can probably think of a thousand things you’d rather do than drive to the store again and again for toilet paper, toothpaste, trash bags and the dozens of other home essentials that keep your home running. We can too. That’s why we started Alice.
The Internet has changed the way we shop for things like books, clothing, shoes and electronics. We buy online for the convenience and the power we have to get product reviews, choose brands, see price comparisons, and make better choices.
But when it comes to home essentials, we still trudge off the store, load up the cart, and haul a trunk-load of stuff out the parking lot. Why? Because no one has come up with an efficient, cost-effective way to buy these goods online. Until now.”
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