
The Importance of a Weekend

Not that this is a real newsflash to any of you, but I’ve been surprised just how much working through my weekend has screwed up my sense of time this week. I was at the conference for Saturday and Sunday, and so my normal routine was totally off. Now that I’m back home, I’ve been […]

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Boston Bound: ALA Midwinter

I’m heading out on a bus today to Boston, where I’ll be attending the American Library Association’s Midwinter meeting. I’m going to try and have some posts go up while I’m there, but no promises, as I’m going to be fairly busy. There’s an all-day meeting tomorrow, several appointments, receptions, etc. I’ve been to ALA

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A Report Back on MLA

Another annual MLA conference is in the record books, and I wanted to take a moment to step back and take a look at how it went. This year was different than last year, primarily because MLA was flying solo this time around. (Last year’s conference was held jointly with the Maine Association of School

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Adventures in Manchester

I go to these conferences all over the country, and I typically like to get out of the hotel for at least a little bit. Go and see the city a tad. Get a feel for the place. That’s how I’ve seen things like the Mark Twain home and Wrigley Field. Manchester, NH isn’t exactly

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