
Origin Factory Tour

The local chamber of commerce had arranged for the public to go on a tour of the Origin USA factory this morning, and I’m always a sucker for a good factory tour, so I walked down the street (5 minutes away) to check it out. I’m glad I went. For those of you who might

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On the CMP Corridor

This post might be a fair bit shorter than many of you might expect. I haven’t said anything about the CMP corridor, despite it being pretty big news here in my home in western Maine. For those of you outside the state, it boils down to this: there’s an effort to bring Canadian power down

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Fort Kenting the Day Away

I’m up in Fort Kent at a library meeting for the day. For you non-Mainers, Fort Kent is way up at the very top of Maine. It took four and a half hours to drive here yesterday. I’m actually staying at a hotel that sits at the very end of Route 1. If I were

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