It’s been a bit since I updated you on the kitchen progress. (Actually, it’s been a bit since I updated you, period.) Somehow, we keep moving forward, even though at times it feels like there’s no way we’re going to be able to get anything actually done. The drywall is up, electrical is in the process of being done, we’re working on switching the heat for the room, and we actually have cabinets in place now. Some of them.
Of course, each time we get something done, I just remember all the many many other things we need to do. But I’ve been taking pictures and video from each day, and it’s been helpful to go and look at the earlier videos and remind myself just how much has actually happened. I mean, the floor might not be in yet, but at least I’ve ordered it, and it’s on its way. The lights may not be done, but it’s the same for them. And insulation is largely in.
The problem with big projects like this is that it’s so hard to get to a place where you finally say to yourself that you’re finished. There’s the ultimate goal, and until you get to that goal, it can feel like you’re nowhere close. In this case, I know the kitchen won’t be finished until January or February. They’re coming to measure for the granite on a couple of weeks, and then it’ll be the new year before the granite is installed. However, my hope is that we’ll have at least a usable kitchen well before then.
What do we have to do before we can use the kitchen? Plumbing and electrical. If those are done, then the oven’s back online, the sink will work, and we’ll have a dishwasher again. Those are huge steps. And the good news is that I don’t think we’re that far from being there.
In the meantime, it’s time to take a break from all of it and head down to NYC. Thank goodness we weren’t planning on doing Thanksgiving dinner in our house. Maybe we’ll make a turkey once all of this is over. I will miss not having the traditional meal, but it’ll be good to be somewhere other than my house for a while.
Anyway. Hope you all have a lovely break, and I’ll catch you on Monday!
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