Off to Scotland

A heads up that I’m heading off to Scotland on Sunday, so the blog posts are going to be . . . non-existent while I’m gone. What am I going to be up to? Some of it is business: it’s the World Science Fiction Convention in Glasgow next weekend. The rest of it will be exploring Scotland. We’re going to Glasgow, the Isle of Skye, Inverness, Edinburgh, and Sterling. We’re getting a car for some of the time, so I’ll also have the adventure of driving on the other side of the road. I’ve never been to Scotland at all, so I’m looking forward to the experience.

So what will I be presenting on in Glasgow? I’m at two different panels. The first is Saturday, August 10th, at 11:30am, and it’s focused on Making a Living from Children’s and YA Fiction. Then on Monday, August 12th, I’m moderating a panel on the Industry of Children’s and YA Literature at 10am. I’ll be at the conference Saturday and Sunday and then part of Monday, and if you happen to be planning to be there, let me know. 🙂

In any case, sorry in advance for the absence . . . but not that sorry. Have a great few weeks, and if you want to follow the adventures, I’ll be posting pics over on Facebook.

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