Harry Potter

I’m debating whether or not to go pick up a copy tonight. On the one hand, that’s really late to be getting anything. On the other, I’m worried I’ll get behind and find out from someone else how the series ends. That would really annoy me . . . Then again, what if I went […]

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What a Pain

Today I discovered the joys of mortgages. Sigh. Why do I have the feeling this is the start of a very long relationship that I will never really appreciate? After sludging through all the legalese and the details, I signed the papers and sent them back to Maine. I also spent time looking into insurance

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So I’m back now, returned to the land of the internet. We were supposed to have internet at our hotel, but it turned out to be in a different room that we had to traipse over and use and, well, I just didn’t have the time or inclination to exert that much effort just to

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House Hunting

My original plan hadn’t been to buy a house right when me moved. However, the place we’re going to live in Maine is rather remote, and there just aren’t that many rentals around–especially ones you can just rent on a month to month basis, avoiding long contracts. So tomorrow my wife and I are going

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Out of Shape

I forgot to mention that a couple of days ago, I became the proud new owner of a Nintendo Wii, stupid name and all.  It’s more fun than a barrel of squid, but I’ve started to notice a disturbing trend: whenever I play for an hour or so, I’m sore the next day. I don’t

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