What a Pain

Today I discovered the joys of mortgages. Sigh. Why do I have the feeling this is the start of a very long relationship that I will never really appreciate? After sludging through all the legalese and the details, I signed the papers and sent them back to Maine. I also spent time looking into insurance details, which was a pleasant surprise: it’s going to cost less than I feared. What haven’t I done yet?

My writing.

But that’s what I’m going to do now. Once I’m done with that, I might actually (gasp!) have time to relax some. Of course, last night I was able to go over to a friend’s and play War of the Ring, so I suppose that counts for relaxing, too. Then again, my friend has appendicitis or something, so maybe I could count it as service–attending the sick. Dan–I hope you get feeling better soon.

In other matters, I wanted to say thanks to all of you who have been sending me your comments on Ichabod and Lesana–they are all much appreciated. I miss the days when I’m working on writing a first draft. This second, third and fourth draft stuff is not as much fun for me.


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