So things are going quite nicely right now. Not job-wise. No news on that front. But writing-wise, I’m pleased to say that I have pretty much finished the restructuring of the Lesana plot, and so I’m about to move on to the next phases. The first thing I think I’ll do is reoutline the chapters–making sure that I have each chapter firmly in mind (what needs to happen, where, etc.) before I write it. Then it’ll be back to actual writing . . . well, revising. But still, this is very good.
And I’ve also successfully put up an Amazon author profile, which took a bit of figuring out to do. My picture is rather small and ratty, but when I get a chance, I’ll update that, as well. If you’d like to check it all out, just go to Cavern of Babel’s listing here. Any of you who have read Cavern of Babel and would like to write an Amazon review, please feel free.
And to top off all the good news, the AC at work is fixed, and it was actually pleasant to be there today. What a relief.