
The other day I finished Diary of a Wimpy Kid, which I thoroughly enjoyed. For those of you who don’t know, it’s the fictional journal of a seventh grader, complete with pictures. Very snarky, and very funny. At the same time, it also got me thinking–the character is so self-absorbed and snarky, and I started wondering how old I’d want TRC to be before he read the book. A lot of the jokes I thought were great, but then there were the ones where the kid makes fun of his dad. Silly of me, I know, but I was like, “Wait a minute! You can’t make fun of the dad. That’s ME!” The idea that my son will one day think I’m a doofus and out of touch with “reality” is disturbing to me–but I suppose it’s inevitable. I love the fact that right now, TRC thinks I’m the best thing since Animal Crackers. He loves to be around me, loves to do whatever I’m doing–I don’t want that to change. But alas, maybe it’s fated. What can I do to keep in touch with him and make sure I never become the Dad from the Wimpy Kid series? (Or from pretty much all the books I write myself, for that matter.) I guess that comes out as a rather strange goal . . . I don’t know if I’ve fully formulated what I’m trying to say. Hopefully it makes a bit of sense to you. Any thoughts? Ideas? Anyone want to share what their parents did to stay “in touch” with them?

5 thoughts on “Reading”

  1. When he’s older–teenagerish–he might resent you less if you listen lots and resist telling him what to do except when absolutely necessary. I think sometimes parents get carried away with advice giving and fail to listen to the actual problems or have confidence that their teens can solve their own problems if they’re allowed to talk through them. This leads to the “you just don’t get it” attitude.
    I’m not actually sure if that’s true, but it makes sense to me.

  2. Modern Terms
    Please define “snarky” for an old fart …and now you’ve got me concerned as to whether I’m the Dad from the Wimpy Kid series! ;>)
    Also, I’d love to read your book. Please send a copy!

  3. Yeah–I think it’s important to try and relate to kids on their terms, not on yours. Of course, all of this is just theoretical until it’s time to put it into practice, which won’t happen for a bit. In the meantime, I’m trying to build a good foundation. We made circus popcorn yesterday while DKC was working. Fun times.

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