TRC Goes to School

The big day has come and gone. TRC is now officially a Kindergartener. I’m proud and happy (and relieved) to say that he had a fantastic time. DKC and I waited with him for the bus this morning, along with DC. He was practically bouncing off everything in sight, he was so excited. The bus finally came, and then I think it hit him that this was the Real Deal. He hesitated a bit before he got on the bus, but on he went, and that was that. DC saw him go on the bus and drive away, and she about started crying, poor thing. And for all of you wondering–no, I didn’t cry. πŸ™‚

The whole day, I’ve been wondering how his first day was going. Too bad they can’t have kids Twittering from school. πŸ™‚ I went home early so I could be there waiting to see him when he got off the bus. DKC and I were both pretty sure that he would have had a great time, but you never can tell. Thankfully, he had a great time. He was full of stories of share time, recess, lunch, choice time–you name it. A very positive experience. Here’s his report:

“This is a very special day. It was my first day ever of school. Kindergarten with Mrs. K. I loved it. And Mom is going to help out on field days at Kindergarten! First we got on the school bus. Well, just me. I got on the school bus. And then I went for a few pick ups of kids and then I got to go to school, and I had choice time. I also had meeting time, and I had two choice times, and we practiced lunch, and we practiced recess, and then we did real recess, and we did lunch, and then we had a meeting at the meeting time. And then I think that’s all I want to tell you.”

There you have it. A blue ribbon day.

5 thoughts on “TRC Goes to School”

  1. HA! How wonderful – I love his description of it. I wish I had choice time, practice for lunch and recess, then real lunch and recess after that. I would enjoy coming to work SO much more. πŸ˜‰ Seriously, though, I always miss grade school in the Fall. *Nostalgic Sigh*

  2. Sounds great. When Ben first went off to school, the neighbor said “Isn’t it cute that Ben dresses up and pretends to go off to school?!” She couldn’t believe it when Laurie said, “Actually, he IS going off to school!”
    It’s a big change. Glad he enjoyed it!

  3. Big Day
    Sometimes I think it’s bigger for the parents than the kids.
    Glad it went so well.
    Glad they practiced recess. That’s just not something you should go head first towards…

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