And they’re off! MC and Daniela started school today, heading into fourth grade and ninth grade, respectively. (Denisa also started her latest semester, though I have no idea how many this makes for her.) It feels like I’ve written so many of these over the years, that writing new blog posts about the first day of school no longer really have much for me to say.
Writing that, part of me feels bad for MC. By the time she’s going through all her “firsts,” they’re “thirds” for Denisa and me. That does tend to take away some of the shine and attention those events garner. When I think of Tomas heading off to Kindergarten for the first time or going to Middle School, all of those things were huge steps, and we made a big fuss out of them, simply because we were so clueless about what was coming, so we had to make a big fuss as we tried to understand them.
On the other hand, MC also very much benefits from that experience Denisa and I already have accumulated. We know what to expect as MC goes from grade to grade, and we can help her much more than we could help Tomas. He broke ground, and groundbreakers get a lot of attention. But the people who come after those groundbreakers are able to go even further because of the easier path they have at the beginning.
Either way, a first day is a first day, and it’s to be celebrated. Things are pretty crazy and hectic for me as well, as with the start of the semester comes all sorts of new things I have to balance. (Trying to get the Makerspace up and running, but we just got two brand new machines that no one knows how to use. Guess who’s figuring it out? I printed a picture on my phone case yesterday, and today I was laser cutting puzzle pieces.) It’s been fun to see all of your first day of school pictures. And it’s a huge relief that this year seems (at the moment) to be mostly back to normal-ish, which is about all I’m expecting these days.
Happy Tuesday!
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