

Hello world, or whatever you’re supposed to say in your first livejournal post.  My name is Bryce Moore, and I’m a librarian and YA writer.  I recently had a book published by an alpaca ranch under the pen name Albert Packard (long story), and I decided to get going on the whole blog and web page thing.  Thus, I have my own web page now (, and I have this–my blog.  I’m new to this whole thing, but hopefully I’ll get the hang of it quickly.  Thanks for dropping by.

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Well, I’ve been putting this off for way too long, so I figured I might as well get with the program and start a blog. It’s still in the formative stages, and I’m not yet sure how all this stuff works, but better to start than not. Welcome to my blog. Can I start by saying how stupid I think the word “blog” is? Honestly. Blog. What are the other -log words out there? Well, we have clog, flog and glogg. Do any of those sound remotely appealing? Not to me. Whoever came up with the name should be shot.

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