Busy Cop Out

Crazy Hectic

Okay, I realize I haven’t been as good at updating this the past while as I should have been. My wife’s thesis is due to be turned in to her committee on Friday, and then we’re planning a trip to Maine to house hunt on Friday, too. I’ve just been swamped. My apologies. Unfortunately, this […]

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Hello all. I’ve finally resurfaced, although I have to warn you I’m not going to post much tonight. I just got back from my trip (“vacation” doesn’t enter into it), and I’m pretty darn tired. But the trip was a success, and I’m sure I’ll have some big news to report in the near future,

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Happy Presidents Day

Or at least I hope it was for all of you.  For me, it involved a lot of writing–I have two papers due this week, and then of course I had 1,000 words to write in addition to that.  I had wanted to get something posted on the web page today, but I just didn’t

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