
Late Post

Sorry for the late post today. And I don’t even have a good excuse. I stayed home from work to go skiing–but then it was 0 degrees outside. -16 with the wind chill. DKC and I were planning on taking TRC for his first ski experience, and we just didn’t think that his first time […]

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The refinance went through. Better yet, because the bank had a 24 hour decision guarantee (and they took something like 28 hours), I’m supposedly going to get $500. So I’m getting paid to refinance my home. Nice. Headache, gone. 🙂 Last night, we put up about half of the Christmas decorations. TRC has been extremely

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It’s been an awfully long time since I last posted, I know. And I’m sure all of you out there have just been holding your breath, waiting–hoping–that I’d post again soon. Well, here you go. Merry Christmas. 🙂 So, what’s been happening here in Maine, you ask? For a while there, it seemed like we

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