
The Good News is I Didn’t Need a Root Canal

I’m back from my trip to the endodontist. (I’ve decided part of getting older is discovering the need to go to doctors with new names, some of which show up as typos on spell check.) Since I live just south of the middle of nowhere, it took an hour to get there. An hour of driving alone in the car, anticipating a fun root canal. Not exactly my idea of a good time. When I got there and was finally being seen, the endodontist went through a few tests. She took new x-rays. She mulled them over. She poked around

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What’s the Point of Brushing Your Teeth?

Honestly, I’m beginning to question some long held tenets. For as long as I can remember, I knew one thing when it came to dental healthcare: brush your teeth, or else. The “or else” part was always a bit nebulous, but it involved things like cavities, fillings, gum disease, and the dreaded root canal. Not really wanting any of those in my life, I’ve always been quite good about brushing. Yes, flossing has come and gone (though I’ve been flossing regularly for the past long while now), but brushing twice a day has always been there. The last few weeks,

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Braces Strike Back

Tomas got his braces off a few months ago. Not like anyone outside the family would know that, because we’ve all got masks on all the time when we’re out of the house. (Though maybe people can see it in Zoom?) But after years of orthodontic work, he was finally freed, and there was much rejoicing. But what’s the point in just not making a 45 minute drive to Augusta once a month? Daniela wanted to make sure we didn’t miss out on that opportunity, so she bravely volunteered as the next tribute to Orthodontia the Fearsome. The good news

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Time for Implants

I realize there’s a fair chance a number of you read that and thought of a certain kind of implants, and wondered what in the world I was writing about today. Those aren’t the kind of implants we’ll be discussing today. Rather, I went to the dentist on Friday for my checkup, and I mentioned that a tooth had been giving me some problems on the lower left hand side of my mouth. Not huge problems, mind you. A year ago it was sensitive to cold twice in the space of two days. And then that flared up a bit

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The Joy of Orthodontics

I’m sitting here in the orthodontist’s office, waiting for Tomas to get wired up for his second round of heavy metal. This also means I just made the first payment for said round. Adulting is more expensive and far less fun than advertised, though on the plus side, it’s not my mouth. I definitely feel for him. When I was growing up, I had to have some wiring done to get my teeth in order. I know there were braces involved on my bottom teeth, and I had to wear a retainer on my top teeth for quite some time.

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