
Poll: What to Eat at Restaurants

(Quick: Name the movie!) My posts of the last few days have been pretty meaty, so I thought I’d go with some lighter fare today. A simple question: how do you decide what you’re going to eat at restaurants? Me personally? For a while, I always got the same thing. I’d find something I liked at the restaurant, and then I’d order it every time. TGI Fridays? Fajitas. That sort of thing. I did this because why in the world would I want to risk having a bad experience? What if I got something new, and I didn’t like it […]

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Night Market Philly

A week or two ago, my friend Neon and Shy (aka Tubadan, aka Dan–because unless you have at least two aliases, you ain’t cool) post about a cool street vendor festival that was going to be happening down in Philly, asking who all wanted to go. I read the post with envy, since (as much as I love the nook of Maine I call home) every now and then I wish there were more cool things to do where I live. Or maybe just more cool things to eat. In any case, I reread the post, and then realized that

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Bacon, Ruffles, and Milk Shakes Proven to be Miracle Cure

That’s right, folks. You read it here first. Bacon has finally be proven to fix just about anything that’s wrong with you. The trick, scientists say, is that you have to couple it with a precise blend of chocolate milk shakes and Ruffles potato chips. “No one’s quite sure why it has to be Ruffles,” Dr. Chondriac said in an exclusive interview with the author. “We tried Lays, Pringles, Wise, Utz–they all just made us put on about fifty pounds. But when the Ruffles, milk shake, and bacon hits your stomach? BAM! It’s like your body unlocks a cheat code. Pure awesome.”

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I’m Thinkin’ Arby’s

The last time I ate at Arby’s–that I can recall–I was in Utah on summer vacation, hanging out with my cousins. At the time, Arby’s seemed ideal. Lots of meat, low price, and cool curly fries. I think I got something like 4 sandwiches and ate them all, and I enjoyed the fries. Mission successful. Of course, that was something like fourteen years ago, so apparently the mission wasn’t *that* successful, at least from an Arby’s marketing standpoint. But still, I remembered two basic things: roast beef and curly fries. So when I was out and about on the road

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The other night, I had the opportunity to sample a traditional Maine vegetable: the fiddlehead. Basically, it’s a baby fern. But where eating baby cows gets you called cruel and inhuman, there’s no such stigma against eating baby ferns. Mainers go out and pick these little things by the bagful, then steam ’em, sautee ’em, boil ’em, salt ’em–you name it. Sort of like the many uses of shrimp in Forrest Gump, but without the gumbo. Denisa tried sauteing them. How did they turn out? Well, TRC thought they were pretty bad, even when I tried to convince him he

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