
Want to Be My Patron?

Yesterday in my wanderings across the internets, I came across this site called Patreon. The concept is simple. Remember back in the good old Renaissance days, when artists had patrons who would support them, allowing the artists to do cool things like paint church ceilings or be William Shakespeare? Yeah. Those were some pretty good […]

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Would You Read a Serialized Book?

So here’s the story. I’ve been toying with the idea of epublishing, trying to decide how best to approach it. I’ve written eleven books, and while some of them are tied up in the traditional publication process, others are just sitting in my Dropbox folder, gathering virtual dust. Not all of them are ready for

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Better Home and Garden

Big times at the Bryce household. Yesterday I busted out the lawn tractor (swapping places with the snow blower) and mowed my lawn for the first time this year. Worked great, and no flat tires, courtesy of the metal detector I used to get most of them out of my lawn a month ago. While

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Have You Read Ichabod?

If you have, I need your help! I’m trying to rewrite the query again, and for some reason, I just can’t seem to effectively sum up the story. All my attempts are falling short. So . . . if you were going to describe the events of Ichabod (the concept of the story as well

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Writing Update

I realized I haven’t given a good update on where I am writing wise in a while. Not too terribly much has changed, I’m afraid. I have yet to hear back on the screenplay for Ichabod, or on the copy of Pawn of the Dead that’s been at the agent’s for a while. (Four months

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