
Puppy Update: Mid-September

Well here we are: September 18th. Ferris Drooler is now just over 12 weeks old, and he’s been with us for a bit more than a month. How are we doing? The first few weeks were rough as you’ll remember from the blog. We had issues with him barking and biting and peeing and pooping all over creation. None of this was really surprising to us. He’s a puppy, and we knew that came with the territory. However, there’s definitely a difference between knowing the theory of something and seeing that theory in practice. Those first few weeks were quite

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And the Poop Just Keeps on Coming

I realize that this title could appear to refer to any number of things at this moment in time. What’s Bryce blogging about today? Could it be the Trump tapes? The wildfires in the west? The Corona crisis? What does he mean when he says “poop”? I mean poop, folks. As in puppy poop. Which believe me, is a much more immediate problem in my life at the moment. We thought we had Ferris down at this point. He would let us know when he needed to be let out. We’d take him out, he did his business, and we’d

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Puppy Update: Stardate 08312020

We have survived another weekend. True, we haven’t exactly emerged unscathed from that weekend, but authorities are confident the current Pee Crisis is slowly, but steadily, coming under control. Ferris continues to have accidents each day. We’ve taken to giving him treats whenever he successfully goes to the bathroom outside. This seems to be doing the trick. Early on, we were having five accidents each day. Yesterday we were down to just one. Of course, part of that might also have to do with the fact that we’re just taking him outside every thirty minutes. Can’t pee inside if he’s

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Operation Poop Patrol

Things with the new puppy are proceeding nicely, more or less. He has enough energy to power a small city, but there are five of us, and we’ve been able to tag team it well enough to keep up with him in most regards. But not all. And that “all,” of course, refers to housebreaking the pooch. For the first few days, we were in sheer response mode. Do whatever we could to try to keep him outside when he had to do his business. I’m sure if any of us had housebroken a puppy before, this wouldn’t have been

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The Puppy Has Landed

That’s right. Saturday morning we were a dog-free family, and by the afternoon, that had changed forever. As we were driving to pick up Ferris, the only real comparison I could think of was when we were going to the hospital for Tomas to be born. Yes, I realize Tomas is a human and Ferris is a dog, but still, some of the principles were the same. We’d read up on how to handle a dog. We had some of the theory down, but the nuts and bolts were still very much blurry. Particularly because we’d be having a puppy

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