
Book Length is Relative

A new year, a new chance to renew my goals from the year before. As I’d mentioned a while ago, my reading goal really got off track at the end of last year. (Though in hindsight, it just meant I read about 5 fewer books for the year than I’d planned, which doesn’t feel like nearly as big of a deal.) However, with a new semester that’s hopefully less chaotic than last semester, I’m trying to get back in the swing of everything. That includes reading. Often when I need to read a book quickly, I pick one that’s not

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The Difference between a Good Book and a Great Book

I’m still plugging away at my weekly reading goal, something that’s been harder this year than it’s been in years past. Not really because I’m reading less, but I got hooked into reading Steven Erikson’s Malazan Book of the Fallen. 10 books that are each over 1,000 pages, and a lot of those 1,000 pages are pretty bewildering, especially at the beginning. I’ve only read two of them this year (I’ve got three to go), but when you plot 1,000 pages in front of you and try to read it in a week, you don’t get very far. (At least

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Podcast: Encouraging Teens to Read

Today’s post actually isn’t about my typical library podcast. Rather, this is one I did with my Bryce Moore hat on, as a guest on a podcast run by my cousin over at Pulling Curls. Here’s the description she gives for it. If that sounds like something up your alley, give it a listen. It was a fun discussion, and I got the chance to recommend some great books.: Elementary aged kids LOVE to read, but that love seems to wane as our kids get older. How do we get teenagers to read, and what are some good books to

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Does Reading Speed Affect Enjoyment?

I was going to write a post about superstitions today. I had it all blocked out in my head and ready to go. Then I did a search through my blog and realized I already wrote that exact post five years ago. One of the downsides of having a blog that’s so old at that point is that sometimes I retread ground I’ve trod before. So I’m bringing you something new today. A thought I’ve been wondering for the last while. I read fairly quickly, but not nearly as fast as some people. My agents can burn through a book

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A Reading Update

Just wanted to check in with an accountability update on my goal to read one book a week this year. I knew ahead of time this would be challenging, but I hadn’t quite realized just how much of a push it would be for me to stick to it. I’ve really had to keep forcing myself to read, staying up later, squeezing in reading at times when I have a ton of other things on my plate. But I’m still on track. I’ve finished 32 books so far this year, and I’m halfway through my 33rd. The question, of course,

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