Can You Help Me?

Hi all.  I just found out I have a chance to have an editor or agent read a piece I’ve written and sit down with me one on one to talk about it.  The only problem is that I need to email it by Saturday, and the piece I want to use is a brand […]

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So my son is up at grandma and grandpa’s for the next few days.  You’d think that I would be able to just lie around and eat bon bons all day, what with all the extra time this gives me.  But then I cleaned out my garage, cleaned the kitchen, searched for jobs, made lunch

Freedom(?) Read More »


So this morning I read in Newsweek about Joost, this new program for watching TV over the internet.  Think YouTube, except with programs that are all approved by the copyright holders.  It’s in a beta invite-only stage, but I kindly asked someone for an invitation, and I have since signed up.  It’s pretty interesting.  The

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