Pleasant Weather

Today was a very pleasant day, both at the conference and at the interview. I enjoyed meeting with people in person at last, after so many bouts of phone interviews. I feel like I can express myself better in person than on the phone, so it’s nice to connect faces to voices. Additionally, I lined up several in person interviews at the conference for tomorrow and Sunday.

On a good-to-remember sidenote, I was reminded that what I say on the blog doesn’t always stay on the blog today when one of the interviewers mentioned that she had read my blog and was up to date on how hectic life had been for me in the days coming up to the conference. As soon as she said that, I mentally went over everything I had been blogging about, afraid that I might have made a faux pas or two, but I really make every effort to keep my blog personal, but not TOO personal, if you know what I mean. I’m very upfront about who I am and what I do on this, although I certainly don’t view it as a personal journal. There are some things that the general public just doesn’t need to know.

Of course, now that I know she’s reading the blog–or has read it in the past–I’m starting to feel the urge to edit this as I write it, but there comes a time when you need to stop being so paranoid. 😉

Anyway, I really ought to be getting some sleep now. It’s been a busy day, and tomorrow promises to be just as busy. If the weather continues to be so darn nice, then life will be good, no matter what happens. How can you be upset when it’s sunny and not hot?

1 thought on “Pleasant Weather”

  1. Yeah, I should probably think about these things when I’m blogging, but oh well. I am careful not to say mean things about anybody for that reason. My blog is too public and I’ve had unexpected visitors too many times to think I’m safe assuming that anyone doesn’t read.

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