So. Remember when I said how excited I was about my new kitchen renovation about to begin? And remember how I said I knew problems would come up, because that’s how these things go? Well, I have to admit I didn’t see this particular problem arising. For context, recall with me (if you will) my post about how glad I was I ordered windows six weeks ago, and how glad I was, because it was going to take up to 8 weeks for them to arrive?
We’ve been calling the place we ordered from (Twin Rivers Lumber, for the record), wondering when they’d arrive. They assured us the windows were “in the warehouse,” and they’d be here soon. Until today, when they called to inform me that the windows would actually be here 10 weeks from now. As in, December 9th.
I was floored. From the sound of it, they literally forgot to put the order in, and they just figured that out today.
This is, to say the least, a big fat problem. Step one of the kitchen renovation was to take out the current cabinets, but step two was going to be “redo the back wall, putting in the new windows.” Because we don’t want to be redoing it all when it’s snowing and freezing outside, for obvious reasons. And without windows to put in . . . that all becomes kind of difficult, ya know?
I have no idea what I’m going to do. Right now, I’m hoping Lowe’s or Home Depot has nice windows in stock that I can have rush delivered. Because if they don’t, then . . . I have a ton of cabinets arrive Wednesday (delayed from Saturday, for some reason), and I’ll be stuck with them for . . . all winter? Except I also have a countertop that’s supposed to be coming in December, that they need to measure for in a few weeks.
People, all of my kitchen renovation hinges on these cursed windows. Windows that I already knew 6 weeks ago are in short supply. And now here I am–without them.
I’m just trying to take deep breaths and calm down.
It’s not working.
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