Vodnik ARC Giveaway Contest

Okay–I know this is long overdue, but I was waiting to run the contest until the rush of the holidays were over. So here we are. Rush. Over. πŸ™‚

As I posted earlier, I have a shiny new Advance Reading Copy (ARC) of my novel that I’m just itching to give away to somebody. Here’s how this giveaway is going to work. Everybody can earn a certain number of entries in the contest (by doing various things, which I’ll detail in a moment). I’ll put all those entries into an Excel spreadsheet, number them, and then use random.org to select a random number within that range. If that number’s yours, you win!

Pretty easy, eh? You’ll be sent 368 pages of Slovak fantasy goodness–destined to be a collector’s item. If you choose to donate your copy to the Smithsonian for posterity’s sake, I’m sure the country will thank you years down the road. πŸ™‚

So how can you generate entries? Simple:

  • Comment on this blog post (either here or on Facebook) = 1 entry
  • “Like” this post on Facebook = 1 entry
  • Share this blog post on Facebook = 1 entry
  • Retweet this blog post on Twitter (my Twitter name is bmoorebooks) = 1 entry
  • “Like” the Amazon page for Vodnik = 1 entry
  • Blog about the book, or me writing the book, or . . . anything Vodnik and me-related (link back to here so that people can find out more about the book and go on to enter the contest themselves) = 5 entries
(If you “like” the page on Amazon, you’ll have to tell me–either in the comments or via email or on Facebook or Twitter. They don’t let me know who liked it.)Β If you helped me come up with ideas for this contest (per my previous blog post), congrats! You’ve already earned yourself one entry. πŸ™‚
I’ll have this contest run through Groundhog Eve (February 1st, for those of you who don’t take your rodent festivities as seriously as you should), and then I’ll announce the winner in a big, elaborate blog post (or maybe a smaller, not as elaborate post–it depends on how my Groundhog Day is going) on Groundhog Day itself.
Sound like a plan? Then get posting!
For those of you coming here for the first time, click here to find out more about it.

10 thoughts on “Vodnik ARC Giveaway Contest”

  1. Can’t wait. I liked on Amazon as well. By the way, don’t I get an entry for proof-reading your Downton Abbey post the other day?


  2. Thanks all! Alas, Ted–proofreading Downton Abbey posts only earns you an entry into a drawing for every episode of Downton Abbey I’ve ever starred in. One day, perhaps . . . πŸ™‚

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